
Discover Verba's versatile pig feeders and feed dispensers and contribute to a sustainable future for pig farming. Our wide selection of swine feeders, troughs and feeders ensures optimum performance and durability in any stable environment.
Our pig feeders are manufactured from high-quality materials, such as recycled 304 stainless steel and heavy-duty PE plastic. This not single contributes to durability but also to sturdiness in the pig farm. During the production process, all waste is carefully collected and recycled, while our energy-efficient machines run on the generated energy from more than 1,150 solar panels.
By strictly selecting from suppliers in the Netherlands and Germany, we strive for high-quality materials and reduced CO2 emissions. With Verba, you are assured of quality and sustainability. That's why we confidently offer a 7-year warranty on many of our pig feeders.
Invest in the future of your pig farm with Verba's feeders, troughs and feeders, and make a difference for your farm and the environment.